The Bench Around a Tree
Our very first blog post! Keep your eyes out for some more posts about what we've been up to. In the meantime, I'll tell you about one of the more unusual projects that we have completed recently.
We were approached by a local school and tasked with creating a bench for the children to read books. Sounded simple enough until we saw where the bench was to be placed. The school had recently had a mural painted of a tree and wanted a bench to fit around the tree but in keeping with the same aesthetic.
So, Gary designed a template on some plywood with a natural looking edge, then, back in the machine shop used this template to cut the timber into the desired shape. We then biscuit joined it all together and then used a router to get a smooth yet wavy edge. Fitting the legs were simple enough then to finish it off we sanded and varnished it and completed the look.